Albertsstuff Wiki

my eyes are gray be cus of you
  —Lilli talking to Prokid9086  

lilli_lovesgames (Current display name Little_babyfox) is a roleplayer who appears in Roblox dating game.


Lilli's avatar has light skin, with the Know-It-All Grin and Long Pastel Hair. She currently wears a shirt named "🌸💜Galaxy open shoulder top" and pants titled "🔥HOT🔥 Pink Crop Top With Jeans". At the time of Albert's video, her avatar was the same except she wore the Grey Striped Shirt with Denim Jacket shirt instead of her current one.


Lilli is first seen 4 minutes into the one video where she appears. Albert, on an account named fireball50, sees her standing at the edge of the map in a game called Peaceful Date 💖. Albert stops her, and she asks why she shouldn't jump. Lilli says "he gone", referring to Prokid9086, who appeared to have left her for another girl. Albert and Lilli go to confront them, and Prokid tries to make an excuse that he "left the game". Lilli calls out his lie, but neither Prokid nor Rosypady123, Prokid's new girlfriend, are convinced. Lilli goes to jump off the edge of the map again, and Albert stops her again. Prokid and Rosy follow her, and Albert manages to convince Prokid to jump instead of Lilli. However, it was too late. Lilli ended up jumping off less than a second after Prokid did.

After respawning, Lilli's eyes turn grey. Prokid is seen trying to get Rosy to push him off the cliff for an unknown reason. Albert starts actively trying to push everyone nearby off the "cliff", and Lilli jumps off for a second time. Soon after, she is seen about to jump a third time. Albert tries to push her off, but falls instead. Albert goes back and introduces Lilli to another person, MLGbroCOMEatME, who was also about to jump off the map. Unfortunately, he seemed completely uninterested. Albert says Lilli is horribly depressed, and gets her to jump off yet again to prove it. The last thing we see Lilli do is begin arguing with MLG about who's more sad.


  • Lilli does not have Prokid or Rosy in her friends list, meaning it is more likely that the events that took place in the video are more real than roleplay.