Albertsstuff Wiki

CART RIDE FOR FREE ADMIN was a Roblox game created by Altronic that debuted in I made a Roblox CART RIDE game... and used ADMIN to mess them up.


The game took place in a desert-looking baseplate with the standard cart ride track. It has some decoration lying around the baseplate, such as a gravestone of Squidward that says "how dig grave". There's also a poorly-built SpongeBob house that is never mentioned in the video, but it sometimes pops up in the background.

When you complete the course, there was morphs, packages, faces, paths, paintball gun and a trowel. The only thing that was actually mentioned up there was the Mr Krabs morph. As of July 1, 2020, the game is currently shut down.




Using advertisements, Albert was able to get people to play CART RIDE FOR FREE ADMIN, and in visiting it with players, he finds someone who already made it to the end, reset after trying the Mr. Krabs morph, which offended Albert. 5z5trrhjff used his flying tools to mess up other players, angering Albert and having him ban the player from the game. He then creates a big boulder to fall onto cart riders, messing up some players. After a few shenangians, such as stretching Spongebob to stop cart riders, Albert left to go to a haircut, and after it, found out his game had beat the original Cart Ride into Spongebob game. He then said that you could get free admin from the fly tool at the winners section and from flying into the large box to get the UTG. After a few more shenanigans, Albert decided to shut down all games.
